WWE SmackDown Results June 28, 2024, Live Updates, Highlights

WWE SmackDown June 28
Credits – WWE

Welcome to the live results page for WWE SmackDown June 28, 2024 episode live from Madison Square Garden.

3 qualifiers for Money in the Bank 2024 ladder matches are set for the show. Logan Paul, LA Knight and Santos Escobar are set to clash in a triple threat match. Candice LeRae, Jade Cargill and Tiffany Stratton were in the one of the women’s MITB Qualifier while Blair Davenport, Naomi and Indi Hartwell are in the other qualifier.

The Bloodline Acknowledgement Ceremony is also advertised for the show. Tune in below for the complete results from WWE SmackDown June 28, 2024.


The show opens with a recap of Jacob Fatu’s arrival. Next, we see the arrivals of LA Knight, Logan Paul and Jade Cargill to Madison Square Garden earlier today.

Cody, Orton & KO Hit Back

We go live as Solo Sikoa enter the arena in his SUV. The Tongans are with him. Paul Heyman recieves him and asks where is Jacob Fatu. Solo does not answer and makes his entrance to the stage with no camera cuts. As The Bloodline poses on the stage, Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens arrive to the arena. They come to have a staredown at the stage before starting to brawl. Cody, Randy & KO come on the top in the brawl easily with KO hitting Tonga Loa with a Swanton bomb through the table in the crowd. Nick Aldis brings in some security as the trio regroup in the ring.

After the break, SmackDown General Manager Nick Aldis is out to the ring and talking to them. When they do not leave, he asks security to take them away but they fight the security easily. They take turns on the mic to talk about the upcoming match at Money in the Bank. Cody says he does not see The Bloodline at Money in the Bank as there is no Tribal Chief, no Final Boss, No Head of the Table, but a seat filler in Solo Sikoa. Nick Aldis has brought in NYPD officers and the trio has to leave peacefully to avoid arrest.

After another break, we see the trio being escorted to their SUV by the police. Kayla Braxton tries to talk to Nick Aldis, but he refuses to comment.

Tiffany Stratton vs Jade Cargill vs Candice LeRae – Women’s MITB Qualifier

Candice and Tiffany try to double up against Jade. Jade fights them off for a minute but the number’s game catches up to her. They hit her with a double suplex before beating her up. Jade drops them with a double clothesline. A superkick sends Tiffany to the floor. Jade then throws Candice on her on the floor. Nia Jax comes out looking angry. Bianca Belair follows her out quickly and starts arguing with her.

Tiffany and Candice are in control against Jade, but Candice hits Tiffany with a clothesline. She hits a DDT on Tiffany while kicking Jade in the process. Tiffany corners them both in opposite corners to hit handspring splashes. Candice counters with a DDT before Jade hits her with a spinebuster to get a two-count. Jade then puts both women to opposite corners but Tiffany ducks a corner splash to send her to the floor.

Nia goes near Jade which draws Bianca to her. Indi Hartwell shoves Jade into the ring post from behind. Bianca chases after Indi. Candice tries to get a pinfall, but Tiffany kicks out of a roll up. She gets her knees up on a springboard moonsault before hitting Prettiest Moonsault Ever to get the pinfall. Tiffany Stratton beats Candice LeRae and Jade Cargill to qualify for the women’s Money in the Bank ladder match.

Nia Jax celebrates with Tiffany at the ringside after her win.

Backstage, Naomi is getting ready for her match when WWE Women’s Champion Bayley comes in to show her displeasure over Tiffany Stratton. Naomi brings up how she might have to chase in MITB briefcase against Bayley some day. Bayley says that discussion is for later. Blair Davenport comes in and says they are discussing over imaginary scenarios as Naomi will not win MITB briefcase. Bayley gets upset, but Naomi tells her that she will pay her.

The Street Profits and B-Fab go to Nick Aldis, asking for a showdown against the Bloodline. Aldis says no to that match for tonight as there is so much chaos already. Pretty Deadly come in to hype themselves up. The Street Profits end up challenging them for a match.

Santos Escobar makes his entrance. LA Knight comes out next. New York Knicks’ Halen Brunson is in the front row.

Solo Sikoa is backstage when Paul Heyman comes in and tells him that Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens were removed from the building. He begs Solo to let him serve him and tell him what he plans on doing tonight and where is Jacob Fatu. Solo replies that Heyman told him that Jacob is dangerous, so, he is not here tonight. And tonight, they will make it official that Heyman is his wiseman.

Santos Escobar vs LA Knight vs Logan Paul – Men’s MITB Qualifier

Logan Paul makes his entrance last and cuts a promo from the stage about performing at the historic MSG. He has someone in his corner for tonight who has already conquered at MSG – Indiana Pacers’ star Tyrese Hailburton. Heavy boos for Tyrese who comes in and faces Jalen Brunson.

Knight starts fired up and strikes at both opponents who ultimately double up against him to take him down. Both Logan and Escobar try to one up each other as they beat up Knight. Logan ultimately throws Escobar out of the ring and hits Knight with a suplex to get a two-count. Knight starts to fight back against Logan with quick moves. Logan cuts him off and hits a back body drop. He hits a crossbody on the floor, only for Escobar to dive on him from behind. We cut to a break.

Frentic triple threat action continues after the break. Escobar hits him with a running knee from behind before hitting Phantom Driver. Logan breaks the pin. Logan and Escobar fight on the top rope. Knight jumps up to hit an avalanche German suplex on Escobar. Logan hits a Swanton bomb on Knight, but Knight kicks out. Logan then asks Tyrese to get his brass knuckles. Brunson distracts Tyrese which leads to Escobar hitting Logan with a running knee. Knight avoids a running knee and hits BFT on Escobar. Logan gets an O’Connor roll on Knight who reverses with a roll-up to get the pinfall on Logan. LA Knight defeated Logan Paul and Santos Escobar to qualify for the men’s Money in the Bank ladder match.

After the match, Tyrese gets into the ring with Logan. Brunson comes in with a steel chair to stand with Knight. The segment ends with neither NBA star getting physical.

Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews discuss Money in the Bank ladder match when Carmelo Hayes comes in and hypes himself. Crews tells him to not fly high. Carmelo continues to hype himself up regardless.

We get a video package in memory of Sika Anoa’i – one half of The Wild Samoans and Roman Reigns’ father.

Andrade gets a video package to hype his chances in the men’s MITB match. He says he is not just taking the titles, but he is taking everything.

Blair Davenport vs Naomi vs Indi Hartwell – Women’s MITB Qualifier

Naomi hits a double dropkick to stop her opponents teaming up. She continues with a double mule kick before they fight back. Davenport rolls up Indi for a two-count. Indi swings Naomi into Davenport to block a hurricanrana. Davenport saves Indi on the floor by hitting Naomi. When Indi goes after her, Davenport drops her on the steel steps and hits her with a stomp to take us to a break.

Naomi takes down both opponents in one move. She creates momentum before hitting splashes in the opposite corners. Indi takes them both down one by one. Naomi counters by sending Indi into Davenport. Davenport hits a falcon arrow on Naomi. Naomi drops Indi on the ropes before hitting a rebound kick on Davenport. Davenport counters to slam Naomi to the mat. Indi pulls Davenport out to send her into the steel steps. She also sends Naomi into the barricade. Jade Cargill comes out and sends Indi into the ring post before throwing her back into the ring. Naomi finishes off Indi with Rear View to get the pinfall. Naomi defeated Indi Hartwell and Blair Davenport to qualify for women’s Money in the Bank ladder match.

The matches for next week’s SmackDown are announced which includes WWE Tag Team Championship match between A Town Down Under and DIY. DIY are backstage talking about their history with Toronto, where next week’s SmackDown is. Austin Theory comes in. Johnny Gargano tells Theory that Grayson Waller is not his friend. Waller attacks DIY from behind. Theory also joins the attack.

The Bloodline Acknowledgement Ceremony

Solo Sikoa comes to the ring with Paul Heyman, Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa. He introduces his enforcer Jacob Fatu. Fatu makes his entrance with new new theme for WWE. Solo tells all three of Tama, Loa and Fatu to acknowledge him. They follow the instruction. After this, Solo turns to Paul Heyman and tells him that it’s his chance to run away. He asks Heyman to acknowledge him as his Tribal Chief. Solo also brings out the Ula Fala. Heyman tells Solo that he can’t be his Tribal Chief. Solo drops Heyman with Samoan Spike. Fatu hits Heyman with diving headbutt from the top rope. The Bloodline then puts Heyman through the announce table. They stand on top of Heyman with their signature Bloodline pose.

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